Hello AIM-IRS Family,
Please read the information below as there are actions that need to be taken TODAY!!
Hotel reservations MUST be made NLT TODAY (July 13th) to receive the ABMTS rate of $119. After today prices will double! Use this link: Hilton Reservations
ABMTS Registrations MUST be completed for members NLT Friday (July 14th) to receive the lower conference rate – rates increase after TOMORROW
All names of those seeking to utilize the great GS-7 opportunity must be submitted NLT 6pm TODAY (July 13th)
As you are completing your travel arrangements, please keep in mind that Houston Hobby is the airport most convenient to our venue
Continue to check your email for more details as you prepare for your 54th ABMTS attendance
Feel free to share this message with others that might not have received
Can’t wait to see you all Houston!!!
