Great Day Aim Family! The nominations for the 2023 National Awards are now open!
The descriptions, criteria and nomination form needed for the Bobby Wyche, Wyatt Trent and EEO Meritorious Awards are enclosed in this document. These Awards will be presented during the 2023 National AIM-IRS ABMTS. Please remember that anyone can submit a nomination. To ensure proper consideration, please follow the guidelines below:
· Nominations must be submitted on the attached form (typed).
· Complete the nomination form addressing the criteria established for each award.
· Nominee must be a member of AIM-IRS and in good standing.
· Nominations must be received by June 30, 2023.
All nominations should be sent via e-mail to:
E-mail Subject Line: Name of Award – Nominee (Submitted by: Your Name)
Bobby Wyche Award
Wyatt Trent Award
EEO Meritorious Award
GS 7 and Below Scholarship
Chapter of the Year Award