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Association for the Improvement of Minorities in the IRS
(A 501C-3 Employee Organization)
Become an AIM Donor
Come Join us and be involved by participating in our fundraiser.
We are looking to our past and present AIM-IRS members to help keep the mission of AIM going strong. You can do this by becoming a sponsor, a patron, and/or donating in-kind services. Please see the suggested donation levels below
In 2019 we celebrated our 50th year of existence. 50 years of upholding our mission to educate and develop our members to their fullest career and personal potential, and to instill in them the highest degree of confidence in their abilities; in a manner that is free from negative influence and discriminatory policies and practices.
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Please complete form below to donate securely via paypal
This is a fundraising effort for a 501c3 organization and donations may be tax deductible
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