Association for the Improvement of Minorities in the IRS
(A 501C-3 Employee Organization)

AIM 2022 Virtual Annual Business Meeting & Training Seminar

2022 ABMTS
"Dare to be Different...AIM for Excellence"
The 53rd ABMTS is being held virtually via Zoom this year!
This year's theme is
"Dare to be Different...AIM for Excellence"
Note: All AMBTS forms and Registration information
are located on this page.
Scroll down or
use the Easy Navigation Menu on the right.
Conference Registration information
The cost this year for the full conference experience is:
Early Registration ( before July 22, 2022) is $75 for Members
Late Registration ( after July 22, 2022) is $100
Early Registration ( before July 22, 2022) is $100 for Non-Members
Late Registration ( after July 22, 2022) is $125 for Non-Members
Prices for Individual event tickets can be found on the Registration form.
Online Registration
Click here to register and pay online
Online Payment is completed securely using Paypal
PayPay - @AIMIRS (Please add $3 processing fee)
Payment by CashApp: $AIMIRSNational
Mail in Registration
To Register for the Conference using paper registration please print and complete the registration form.
The registration fee can be paid by check or Money Order and mailed with the completed
Registration Form to the address below
AIM-IRS Registration
c/o Albert Adams
P.O. Box 40
Joppa, MD 21085
**All Debit / Credit Card Payments are completed through the online registration process
Conference Schedule

Order your eSouvenir Ads today!
eSouvenir Book Ads & Patrons due 6/30/2022 - Souvenir Book ad Form
This year we are excited to have the opportunity to once again award. Attached is the detail and criteria for these national awards. These award nomination forms application forms are below. It includes:
• Bobby Wyche Award
• EEO Meritorious Award
• Wyatt Trent Award
• GS-7 & Below ABMTS Scholarship Award
• Chapter of the Year Award
This is an opportunity for you to nominate those deserving members within AIM-IRS that you feel deserve national recognition.
Please adhere to all deadlines in the package and contact Award Chairperson, Cynthia Underwood at cyunde1@yahoo.com with any questions. Thank you.
How do I apply?
Please email completed application to: cyunde1@yahoo.com
Due Dates
The deadline for the GS-7 award is May 30th
The deadline for the other awards is June 30th